6th Annual
Circus for Arts in the Schools

April 18, 2010
Showtimes: 1pm and 4pm

Kofman Auditorium
2200 Central Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501

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Advance tickets:
Adults: $12.50.
Seniors/Children (3-17): $10.
Children under 3: Free.
     At the door:
Adults: $15.
Seniors/Children (3-17): $10.
Children under 3: Free.

All tickets are for General Admission seating.



Buy tickets online here.

Advance tickets will be on sale in person at TOY SAFARI, 1410 Park Street, and ALAMEDA NATURAL GROCERY, 1650 Park Street, starting March 1st.


Sponsor a Seat at the Circus

Our goal is to bring the magic of the Circus to as many children and adults as possible. Each year we provide tickets to many who, because of life circumstances, are not able to afford the ticket price. Contact us by phone at (510) 587-3242 or by email at pam@circusforarts.org if you or your organization would like to send someone in need to this event.