"For children, the arts offer a multidimensional, sensory way to experience the world around them."

--Judy Goodwin, Maya Lin School Principal


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About Circus for Arts in the Schools

Circus for Arts in the Schools was a seven-year program which funded successful arts program at Paden, Otis and Washington Schools. Centered around live, professional works of art, this program brings classroom teachers and teaching artists together to create vibrant, curriculum-rich lessons that challenge every student and that strive to meet each child's learning needs.

Circus for Arts in the Schools was the brainchild of veteran circus performer Jeff Raz. Jeff has performed with Cirque du Soleil, The Pickle Circus, Vaudeville Nouveau and Make*A*Circus. Jeff is now the Bay Area Casting Partner for Cirque du Soleil, the Artistic Director of the Medical Clown Project and a director with the global consulting firm Stand & Deliver.

For more information about Circus for Arts in the Schools, please contact Pam Arneson by email at pam@circusforarts.org.